Julie Baumhofer, MS, L.Ac, is a San Francisco based acupuncturist and herbalist specializing in acute and chronic pain, mental health, and women’s reproductive health.  Licensed to practice by both the California Acupuncture Board and the NCCAOM, she graduated from the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2007. She established Bu Tong Acupuncture in 2009 and has been practicing in the Mission District ever since.

Julie believes in a prevention-first, integrated model of medicine. Her previous career as a research scientist positions her to provide a unique approach that blends Eastern thinking with Western living. If those years working at a teaching hospital hadn’t already inspired in her a robust fear of needles, discovering the beauty of tattoos and body art sealed the deal. Therefore, she utilizes a gentle needling technique and minimal needles to provide her clients with subtle but powerful treatments.

A typical session with Julie includes a check-in chat at the beginning to make sure she understands your goals for the session, an up-to-date reading of pulses and tongue, and a relaxing session of acupuncture, cupping, or both. For those interested in plant medicines, she is happy to prescribe herbal remedies when appropriate.  

For her own work-life balance, Julie’s go-to’s include visits to her local library, swims in natural water, attempts at Vipassana meditation, practicing Hatha yoga, travel, and hiking around the Bay Area with her teeny tiny Chihuahua, Daisy.


Contact Lis

Lis offers one-on-one coaching sessions to healers of all modalities and small business owners who are committed to generating income in ways that align with their values.

Coaching allows for focused support and development. Weekly or monthly meetings help to set up a system of goals, tasks, and accountability.

Reach out to Lis directly to set up coaching sessions.

123 Sample St, Sydney NSW 2000 AU
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